EEPS chapter of the Association for Women Geoscientists Distinguished Lecturer Program featured world-renowned geoscientist Dr. Marjorie Chan...
EEPS mourns passing of world-renowned geophysicist and emeritus professor Peter Vail...
MOLYBDOMENITE-P21/c is a new mineral from an old classic locality, described by the youngest student investigator ever to do so. EEPS graduate student...
EEPS Emeritus professor André Droxler to spend 2025 at Queen Mary University, London UK to collaborate with Professor Cédric John in a research projec...
EEPS Ph.D. students awarded at Rice SIMS meeting Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023
Memorial for Manik Talwani Monday, Oct. 2, 2023
EEPS Fenglin Niu elected as an AGU Fellow Tuesday, Sep. 26, 2023
Kirsten Siebach receives Harrison Schmitt award Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023
The ‘hotly’ debated history of the largest volcano in the solar system Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2023