Rice University is among 65 Texas Space Grant eligible institutions, with Eleanore Moreland among two Rice student fellows selected for 2024-2025....

EEPS chapter of the Association for Women Geoscientists Distinguished Lecturer Program featured world-renowned geoscientist Dr. Marjorie Chan...

Peter Vail at JohnFest 2018

Friday, Jan. 3, 2025

EEPS mourns passing of Peter Vail

EEPS mourns passing of world-renowned geophysicist and emeritus professor Peter Vail...

MOLYBDOMENITE-P21/c is a new mineral from an old classic locality, described by the youngest student investigator ever to do so. EEPS graduate student...

Chilean volcano_crevass in ash

Hot Science at Cordón Caulle Friday, Aug. 12, 2022

EEPS and Rice PSM adjunct faculty Faruk Omer Alpak, Ph.D.

EEPS Omer Alpak honored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers 2021 International Award Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021

Sylvia Dee

Sylvia Dee wins fellowship to launch Gulf of Mexico study Tuesday, Sep. 28, 2021

National Academies back ‘bold’ research projects by early-career scientists

Postdoctoral fellow Elizabeth Wallace

Nature’s archive reveals Atlantic tempests through time Tuesday, Sep. 7, 2021

Paleo storm hunters at Rice need data to refine the record of history’s hurricanes

Plume during an eruption of Raikoke Volcano in the Kuril Islands. Credit: ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center

Helge Gonnermann in EOS article about the impacts of volcanic eruptions on climate Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021
